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Fuligo aurea (Penz) Y. Yamam
Life   Amoebozoa   Eumycetozoa   Physaraceae   Fuligo

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IDnature guide

Plasmodium colourless to chrome yellow. Plasmodiocarps sessile or pendent on slender stalks, simple or branched, terete or flattened, yellow or olive specked with yellow, often anastomosed and when fully developed forming a 3-dimensional network. Peridium single, pale yellow, bearing deposits of yellow or ochraceous lime. Stalks, when present, yellow, filiform, merging with the strands of the hypothallus. Capillitium elastic, composed of a persistent net-work of colourless tubules, the junctions mostly limeless but bearing a few yellow fusiform calcareous nodes, expanding to several times its original size upon the breaking up of the peridium. Spore-mass black. Spores pale violaceous-brown, minutely punctate, 7-8 µm diam.

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The Eumycetozoan Project -- working to understand the ecology, sytematics and evolution of myxomycetes, dictostelids and protostelids -- the true slime molds.

Sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation.

Please send any corrections and comments about this page to John Shadwick
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
email: jshadwi@uark.edu   phone: USA-479-575-7393.

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Updated: 2024-06-03 07:48:42 gmt
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